Staff, Governing Board, and Advisory Panel Members

Governing Board:

Brenda Pracheil
Board Chair, Technical Committee, Executive Management Committee (Chair)
Pacific Northwest National Lab, TN

Julie McNamara
Board Vice-Chair, Policy Committee (Chair)
Union of Concerned Scientists, MA

Lisa Zarek
Board Treasurer, Finance Committee (Chair)
Brookfield Renewable (retired), FL

Rick Glick
Board Secretary, Policy Committee
Davis Wright Tremaine (retired), OR

Julie Gantenbein
Director, Technical Committee
Water & Power Law Group, CA

T.J. Heibel
Director, Technical Committee
Pacific Northwest National Laboratories, DC

Mark Zakutansky
Director, Technical Committee (Chair)
Appalachian Mountain Club, PA

Natalie Griffiths
Director, Technical Committee
Oak Ridge National Lab, TN

Dave Steindorf
Director, Technical Committee
American Whitewater, CA

Vicki Taylor
Director, Executive Management Committee
Catawba-Wateree Relicensing Coalition, NC

Kelly Catlett
Director, Policy Committee
American Rivers, CA

Nalneesh Gaur
PricewaterhouseCoopers, TX

Jen Ryan
Director, Policy Committee
MA Department of Fish and Game, MA

Ted Wise
Director, Technical Committee
Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (retired), WaterWatch Oregon, OR

Mark Bevelhimer
Director, Technical Committee
Oak Ridge National Lab (retired), Tennessee Citizens for Wilderness Planning, TN

Hydropower Industry Advisory Panel:

Elizabeth Ablow
Seattle City Light, WA

Sarah Hill-Nelson
Bowersock Mills Hydroelectric Project, KS

Madeleine Mineau
Essex Hydro, MA

Deb Malin
Bonneville Power Administration, OR

Dan Parker
45 North Renewable Energy LLC

Jon Petrillo
Gravity Renewables, RI

Sania Radcliffe
Portland General Electric, OR

John Ragonese
Great River Hydro, NH

Steve Zuretti
Brookfield Renewable Energy Group, QC

Tim Welch
US. Department of Energy, DC

Kelsey Rugani
Kearns & West, CA

Renewable Markets Advisory Panel:

Philip Raphals (Chair)
Helios Centre, QC

Jonathan Burnston
Karbone, NY

Jennifer Martin
Center for Resource Solutions, CA

Executive Advisory Panel:

Richard Roos-Collins
Former Chair of the Governing Board
Water and Power Law Group, CA

David Youlen
Eagle Creek Renewable Energy, NJ

Shawn Seaman
Power Plant Research Program, MD

Jack Palmer
Kleinschmidt (retired), DE