Draft Definition of Low Impact Pumped Storage Hydropower
In collaboration with an external Advisory Group representing a broad cross section of the hydropower community, the Low Impact Hydropower Institute (LIHI) has developed a draft definition of Low Impact Pumped Storage Hydropower (LI-PSH). The definition and supporting documentation could help provide an outline for best practices in developing and operating LI-PSH projects. Once public comment has been received and the definition finalized, the LIHI Governing Board may consider creating a Low Impact certification program for LI-PSH projects.
LIHI would like to hear from interested parties on this draft definition. Please click on the image below to review the Low Impact Pumped Storage Hydropower Draft Definition.
Background and Definition
LIHI’s certification program has explicitly excluded PSH primarily because fossil fuels supplied by regional electric grids were (and still are) the most common source of power for the PSH pumping cycle. Yet, recognizing the increasing penetration of wind and solar power since LIHI’s founding in 1999, the idea of potentially expanding the certification program to include PSH projects has percolated for several years. Over the last year, a cross-disciplined Advisory Group developed the draft definition based on the following objectives:
- Determine what aspects of natural, social, cultural resources could be impacted by the construction and operation of new and existing pumped storage projects in the US.
- Clearly articulate stringent but achievable goals that would lead to the optimal outcome to minimize impacts for each resource type.
- Define science- and knowledge-based standards for demonstrating goals have been met.
- Publish results with sufficient detail such that PSH projects can evaluate their impacts and inform design of future projects.
The resulting draft definition encompasses eleven impact areas, along with goals and alternative standards for each impact area that can characterize PSH projects as being low impact.
For more background information on the draft definition, please click HERE.
Public Comments
LIHI seeks the public’s input on the following questions, specific to the draft definition:
- Are there any gaps in the document (e.g., resource areas or impacts that have not been addressed)? Please describe.
- Are there any aspects that are unclear or warrant additional clarification? Please describe.
- Are there any terms or definitions (underlined terms in the document are defined in the appendix) that you consider too vague, confusing, or misleading? Please elaborate.
- Do you have any other suggestions, comments, or questions we should consider? Please elaborate.
Comments should be sent via email to comments@lowimpacthydro.org with “LI-PSH Definition Comments” in the subject line. Please include your name, organization and contact information in case we have any follow-up or clarifying questions. Comments will be due May 20, 2025.
Please click HERE for a fillable form with instructions to submit comments to LIHI staff OR you may submit comments online by clicking the button below.
Next Steps
LIHI staff will summarize public comments received and recommend edits to the draft definition. The edits will be reviewed by the Advisory Group and LIHI’s board task force. If significant edits are made, LIHI will likely conduct a second round of public comments based on the updated draft. Once finalized, the definition will be published on the LIHI website and will be available for anyone seeking guidance on the best practices related to developing new PSH.
Any questions on the draft definition can be directed to either Shannon Ames or Maryalice Fischer.