LIHI Certificate #112 - Indian Orchard Project, Massachusetts

Nom du projet Indian Orchard
Numéro de certificat LIHI 112
Durée du certificat LIHI
July 19, 2023 – July 18, 2033 (option to extend to July 18, 2036)
Propriétaire Central Rivers Power MA, LLC, a subsidiary of LS Power/ Patriot Hydro, LLC
État Massachusetts
Emplacement Located at approximately river mile 7.8 on the Chicopee River in the Town of Ludlow and the City of Springfield in Hampden County, Massachusetts.
Capacité installée 3.7 MW
Génération annuelle moyenne 12,700 MWh
 Type d'établissement  Au fil de l'eau
 FERC No. P-10678 exempt 1992

The Indian Orchard Project is located on the Chicopee River in the Town of Ludlow and City of Springfield in Hampden County, Massachusetts. The barrage crosses the municipal line between Ludlow and Springfield. The centrale is located in Springfield. The project dam and powerhouse were built circa 1896. The original equipment included horizontal waterwheels that were belt-connected to generators.

Bien que la rivière Chicopee ne mesure que 30 km de long, son bassin hydrographique s'étend sur 1 840 km², ce qui en fait le plus grand bassin hydrographique de tout le Massachusetts et le plus grand affluent du fleuve Connecticut. Au cours de la révolution industrielle, la rivière Chicopee est devenue une destination particulièrement prisée pour l'hydroélectricité, en grande partie parce qu'elle présente une chute de 80 mètres sur son cours.

The project is situated upstream of two other hydroelectric facilities located on the Chicopee River and downstream of three more on the Chicopee River. Upstream are Collins (LIHI #88) et Pont Rouge (LIHI #96). Downstream are Chicopee Falls (Fédération internationale de radio-télévision (FERC) No. 6522), and Dwight (LIHI #170).
The project works include a cut-stone dam topped with 1.6-foot tableaux d'affichage, un canal headgate house, a power canal, an intake structure for two operating conduites forcées, a powerhouse with two operating generating units, a tailrace channel and appurtenant facilities.

The canal headgate structure is a brick structure on a concrete foundation that houses the seven intake portes that control the flow from the impoundment to the power canal. There are seven steel tête gates, each 8.4 feet high by 9.4 feet wide. Each gate is equipped with rack and pinion hoists. A minimum flow discharge pipe was installed just downstream of the canal gatehouse. The dam creates a bypassed reach approximately 1,600 feet long.

The power canal extends from the portes de tête au conduite forcée intake structure. The canal is approximately 1,300 feet long by 76 feet wide at the gatehouse, narrowing to 52 feet wide at the penstock intake. The inner sidewalls are constructed of cut-granite, and earthen embankments create the outer walls. The canal has a cobble floor. An 88-foot-long canal is on the north wall of the canal, adjacent to the headgate house. The intake structure includes two operating underground penstocks (and two closed in 1970). The powerhouse contains two operating generating units having a combined capacity of 3.7 MW.

Le projet opère dans un au fil de l'eau mode and impounds a 74-acre reservoir.  Impoundment level fluctuations are limited to +/- 0.25 feet. The project provides a 144-cfs bypass flow from April 1 – September 30, and 104 cfs the rest of the year. The flow regime was developed in consultation with the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and Massachusetts Division of Fish and Wildlife (MDFW).

Waters within the project reach are designated as impaired for invasive water chestnut. The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection has confirmed that the project is not responsible for river impairment, pending confirmatory sampling.

The Chicopee River watershed is not currently the subject of migratory fish management efforts and downstream dams create a barrier to upstream movement. American eel is the only migratory species found throughout the Chicopee River system. While not designed for passage, the minimum flow discharge pipe does permit downstream passage.

The project property consists of roughly four acres of mixed forest and two acres of deciduous forest surrounding the impoundment are potentially Priority or Estimated Habitat for bald eagles. The remaining lands are developed and open water. The project does not plan on disturbing any of the forested areas, but should that change, the project will consult with USFWS and Massachusetts Department of Fish and Wildlife (MDFW) should any such activities become necessary.

Threatened and endangered species potentially within project vicinity include: Northern long-eared bat and bald eagle. The project owner does not plan to cause any ground disturbance or tree removal which could impact critical habitats for listed species. The project has committed to follow guidance from MDFW and USFWS concerning minimization of impacts to the protected species.

Historic resources at the project are not included on the Registre national des lieux historiques, but are listed in Massachusetts.  Resources include the dam, the powerhouse, and the canal, as well as the non-project Ward Manufacturing Mill/Indian Orchard Mill. The FERC exemption requires consultation with the State Historic Preservation Office in the event of construction or modification to historic structures and ground-disturbing activity, and, if necessary, develop and implement a Cultural Resource Management Plan to protect those resources.

Recreational resources at the project include a small boat dock, fishing access point, picnic area, and hiking trails. Public access is provided free of charge where safe.

PLUS-Standard Option: The Owner shall seek to collaborate with local recreational interests and abutting landowners on potential options for providing a cartop put-in far enough downstream from the confluence of the bypass and tailrace to minimize hazards from sudden release of flows to the bypass in the event the generating unit suddenly trips offline. If a put-in is installed, whether or not on Project land, the Owner can request a PLUS standard at any time prior to six months before the expiration of the Certification term. LIHI will determine whether or not to award a PLUS standard for recreation and extend the Certificate term for three additional years.

État de conformité

Le certificat comprend les conditions spécifiques à l'établissement suivantes :

Condition 1: Should the Owner receive notification during the term of this LIHI Certification from either the USFWS or MDFW that upstream and/or downstream passage for anadromous or catadrome fish is required, based on sound science / technical data that has shown that such passage is required at the Indian Orchard Project, the Owner shall forward a copy of that notification and its response to LIHI within 60 days of receipt of the notification.

Condition 2:  Should ground disturbance or removal of large trees be required during the term of this LIHI Certification that could affect habitat for bald eagles or Northern long-eared bats, the Owner shall consult with MDFW and USFWS to determine impacts to these species that may occur in the Project area. LIHI shall be provided copies of agency communications (e.g., approvals, denials, mitigation measures, etc.) associated with such activities. This information should be submitted as part of annual compliance submittals to LIHI.

Condition 3 (optional):  The Owner shall seek to collaborate with local recreational interests and abutting landowners on potential options for providing a cartop put-in far enough downstream from the confluence of the bypass and tailrace to minimize hazards from sudden release of flows to the bypass in the event the generating unit suddenly trips offline. If a put-in is installed, whether or not on Project land, the Owner can request a PLUS standard at any time prior to six months before the expiration of the Certification term. LIHI will determine whether or not to award a PLUS standard for recreation and extend the Certificate term for three additional years.

Condition 4: The facility Owner shall provide LIHI a copy of the report on the results of the water quality testing to be conducted along with comments received from USFWS and MDEP within 60 days of report finalization. Currently, the report is scheduled to be completed by November 30, 2024. If additional testing or other actions are found to be required as a result of this study, then the plan and schedule for implementing those actions shall also be provided to LIHI.

2024:  No material changes or compliance issues were identified. The project remains in compliance based on the annual review.  For Conditions 1, 2, and 3, the project reported no activity. For Condition 4, the project reported that water quality monitoring planned for 2023 was postponed due to high flows and is expected to be completed in 2024.

2023: Le rapport annuel pour le certificat actuel n’est pas encore entré en vigueur.

Historique des certifications

3 janvier 2024 : Le Low Impact Hydropower Institute a rendu une décision finale sur les recertifications à mi-parcours des projets hydroélectriques Red Bridge, Putts Bridge, Indian Orchard et Dwight. Ces projets sont situés sur la rivière Chicopee dans le Massachusetts. La décision préliminaire a été annoncée le 28 novembre 2023, marquant le début de la période d'appel de 30 jours. Cette période a pris fin le 28 décembre 2023 et aucun appel n'a été déposé. Par conséquent, la décision de recertifier les projets est désormais définitive. La nouvelle durée du projet est indiquée dans le tableau ci-dessus et la demande d'examen à mi-parcours complète ainsi que le rapport d'examen peuvent être consultés ci-dessous.

28 novembre 2023 : Le Low Impact Hydropower Institute a approuvé de manière préliminaire la recertification à faible impact pour les projets hydroélectriques Red Bridge, Putts Bridge, Indian Orchard et Dwight situés sur la rivière Chicopee dans le Massachusetts. Cette décision est préliminaire en attendant la période d'appel de 30 jours. Seuls ceux qui ont commenté la demande initiale pendant la période de commentaires de 60 jours sont éligibles pour déposer un appel. Un tel appel doit inclure une explication sur la raison pour laquelle le projet ne répond pas aux critères du LIHI. Les demandes d'appel peuvent être soumises par courrier électronique à avec « Chicopee River Projects » dans l’objet du message, ou par courrier adressé au Low Impact Hydropower Institute, 1167 Massachusetts Ave, Arlington, MA 02476. Toutes les demandes seront publiées sur le site Web. Le demandeur aura la possibilité de répondre, et toute réponse sera également publiée. Les demandes doivent être reçues avant 17 heures, heure de l’Est, le 28 décembre 2023. The consolidated review report can be found below.  If no appeal requests are filed, the new certification term will be July 19, 2023 – July 18, 2033.

17 août 2023 : Quatre projets certifiés LIHI situés sur la rivière Chicopee dans le Massachusetts ont reçu un amendement consolidé à leurs exemptions FERC le 13 mars 2023. Les projets sont Red Bridge (LIHI #96), Putts Bridge (LIHI #102), Indian Orchard (LIHI #112) et Dwight (LIHI #170). L'amendement a autorisé des changements dans les opérations de chaque projet à partir de culminant to run-of-river along with changes in bypass reach minimum flows at some projects.  In accordance with Section 5.3.4 of the 2nd Edition LIHI Handbook, Revision 2.05, issuance of a FERC exemption amendment that affects the LIHI criteria constitutes a “material change” and triggers a mid-term LIHI Certification review.  New Certificate terms can be granted if the projects continue to satisfy the LIHI criterion, even if the current certification terms have not yet expired. The applicant, Central Rivers Power, MA, LLC (a subsidiary of LS Power/ Patriot Hydro, LLC), has submitted a summary of the operational changes related to the FERC exemption amendment.  Documents are available in the Certification Files Section of each project webpage:

Une période de commentaires publics de 60 jours est ouverte pour permettre aux parties prenantes de commenter la soumission. Tous les commentaires reçus seront intégrés au rapport d'examen à mi-parcours, publiés sur le site Web du LIHI et intégrés à la décision préliminaire de recertification des projets. Les commentaires peuvent être soumis à avec « Chicopee River Projects » dans l’objet du message. Les commentaires doivent être reçus avant 17 heures, heure de l’Est, le 16 octobre 2023.

1er janvier 2022 : La durée du certificat LIHI a été prolongée conformément à la révision 2.05 du manuel de certification LIHI 2e édition publié le 1er janvier 2022. Reportez-vous au tableau des établissements ci-dessus pour connaître la nouvelle durée.

6 janvier 2020 : The decision to recertify the Indian Orchard project became final after the close of the appeals period on January 5, 2020 with no appeals filed. The Certification term is from July 19, 2018 – July 18, 2023.

December 5, 2019: The Low Impact Hydropower Institute has preliminarily approved Low Impact Recertification for the Indian Orchard Hydroelectric Project. This decision is preliminary pending the 30-day appeal window. Only those who commented on the initial application during the 60-day comment period are eligible to file an appeal. Such appeal needs to include an explanation as to how the Project does not meet the LIHI criteria. Appeal requests can be submitted by email to with “Indian Orchard Hydroelectric Project” in the subject line, or by mail addressed to the Low Impact Hydropower Institute, 329 Massachusetts Ave, Suite 6, Lexington, MA 02420. All requests will be posted to the website.  The applicant will have an opportunity to respond and any response will also be posted. Requests must be received by 5 pm Eastern time on January 5, 2020.  The full application and reviewers report are available below. If no appeal requests are received and the decision becomes final, the Certification term for the Project will be from July 19, 2018 to July 18, 2023.

September 6, 2019: The Low Impact Hydropower Institute has received a complete application for Low Impact Recertification of the Indian Orchard Hydroelectric Project.  LIHI is seeking public comment on this application.  Specifically, we are interested in knowing whether you think the Project meets the LIHI Low Impact Certification Criteria, as revised in the 2nd Edition Handbook.  Please review the program and criteria in LIHI’s revised Manuelet examinez ensuite les documents de candidature du projet ci-dessous. Les commentaires directement liés à des critères LIHI spécifiques (débits, qualité de l'eau, passage des poissons, etc.) seront très utiles, mais tous les commentaires seront pris en compte. Les commentaires peuvent être soumis à l'Institut par courrier électronique à l'adresse with “Indian Orchard Project Comments” in the subject line, or by mail addressed to the Low Impact Hydropower Institute, 329 Massachusetts Avenue, Suite 6, Lexington, MA 02420.  Comments must be received on or before 5 pm Eastern time on November 5, 2019 à prendre en considération. Tous les commentaires seront publiés sur le site Web et le candidat aura la possibilité d'y répondre. Toute réponse sera également publiée.

December 11, 2013: Indian Orchard Hydroelectric Project has been certified as low impact for a five year term, effective July 19, 2013 and expiring July 19, 2018.

September 19, 2013: La période de commentaires publics sur la demande est terminée.

July 19, 2013: Essential Power LLC has submitted an application for the certification of the Indian Orchard Hydroelectric Project; application has been posted to website and public comment period was opened.


Bilan à mi-parcours 2023

Recertification 2019

2013 Certification