Final Decision – Recertification of the Island Park Project, LIHI #2
July 8, 2022
Final Decision – Certification of the Mattaceunk Project, LIHI #189
July 15, 2022LIHI and HS Council Collaboration
The Low Impact Hydropower Institute and Hydropower Sustainability Council work towards collaboration.
The Hydropower Sustainability Council (HS Council) and the Low Impact Hydropower Institute (LIHI) are actively collaborating to share in their common goal to build a more sustainable and responsible hydropower sector. The HS Council, through its Hydropower Sustainability Standard, aims to certify hydropower projects around the world that have demonstrated their commitment to sustainability by meeting and exceeding international good practice. Similarly, LIHI's long-standing commitment to reducing the impacts of hydropower generation through its outcome and science-based Low Impact Hydropower Certification Program has made it a key player in hydropower sustainability efforts in the United States.
The HS Council and LIHI's sustainability mechanisms are both governed by multistakeholder groups and include the voices of NGOs, financial institutions, industry and more; all aimed at recognizing responsible and sustainable hydropower projects. With a wealth of knowledge and experience between the organizations, we want to lean on each other's strengths and find avenues for complementary action, rather than compete with one another. As two big players in the hydropower sustainability space that share the common goal of building a more responsible sector, the HS Council and LIHI have decided to work on a plan that will ensure that their respective sustainability mechanisms progress in a way that is complementary and mutually beneficial.
Learn more about the Hydropower Sustainability Council HERE.
Preliminary Decision – Certification of the Wells Dam Project, pending LIHI #203, WA
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