LIHI Certificate #93 - Arnold Falls Project, Vermont

项目名称 Arnold Falls
LIHI 证书编号 93
LIHI 证书期限 February 6, 2017 – February 5, 2027
所有者 绿山电力公司
状态 佛蒙特
地点 Located at river mile 9.7 on the Passumpsic River, a tributary of the Connecticut River, approximately 5.5 miles downstream of the Pierce Mills project.
装机容量 350 kW
平均年发电量 1,484 MWh
设施类型 径流式
联邦能源管理委员会 不。 P-2399 issued in 1994, expires 11/30/2034

The Arnold Falls Project is located in northeastern Vermont in St. Johnsbury, Caledonia County, on the Passumpsic River. The 发电站 were built in 1928 by the Twin State Gas & Electric Company following the 1927 flood which did extensive damage to the original station. Before 1928, the site contained facilities for water-powered manufacturing, including mills and pattern shops. Before these, a natural waterfall existed at the site. The falls bear the surname of Dr. Jonathan Arnold, an early settler and entrepreneur who constructed the first sawmill there in 1787 and a gristmill the following year. In 2009, the existing 木制婴儿床 dams were abandoned in place and replaced with reinforced concrete gravity dams immediately downstream of the timber crib dams.

The project is the fourth dam on the Passumpsic River. Closest upstream is Pierce Mills (LIHI #92). Downstream are 量具 (LIHI #94), Passumpsic 项目 (LIHI #95) 以及东巴尼特(FERC 编号 3051),这是该河上的第一座水坝。该河长 22.7 英里,是康涅狄格河的一条支流,在科默福德下游汇入 (部分 十五英里瀑布项目,LIHI #39该项目由 Green Mountain Power (GMP) 所有,该公司是第一家获得 B 类公司。

The project includes two concrete gravity dams, a powerhouse with a turbine and generator, bypassed reach, 变电站, 和 泄洪道.

The North Dam is 180-feet-long by 18-feet-high, with a dam crest elevation of 573.0 feet msl. It is topped with 20.4-inch hinged steel 闪光板. The South Dam is 64-feet-long by 15-feet-high, with a crest elevation of 572.0 feet msl, topped with an inflatable flashboard system. The intake is 20-feet-wide with trashracks and a manually operated bulkhead gate. The dam creates a bypassed reach about 300-feet-long.

The powerhouse contains one vertical shaft turbine and a generator rated at 350 kW. The downstream 鱼道 facility is located in the sluiceway of the spillway adjacent to the intake.

该项目采用 径流 mode and impounds a 10-acre reservoir. The project provides minimum flows of 78 cfs through the North 泄洪道 and 33 cfs through the South Spillway when not generating. The flow regime was established via consultation with Vermont Agency of Natural Resources (VANR) and the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) to ensure protection of aquatic habitat.

Waters within the project reach are designated as Class B and impaired for e. coli contamination due to the St. Johnsbury wastewater treatment facility. The project is not responsible for this contamination. Class B waters are managed to achieve aquatic wildlife habitat, aesthetic value, public water supply, and primary contact recreational uses.

While American eel populations were historically plentiful in the Connecticut River watershed, the presence of many dams on the river now prevent passage of the species. The downstream East Barnet Dam and dams on the Connecticut River block passage and USFWS has not requested upstream passage at the project. The project facilitates downstream passage through the sluiceway which provides a 25-cfs flow to a 瀑布水潭. The passage is primarily utilized by resident trout species.

The project lands consist of roughly 10.6 acres. No lands of significant ecological value exist in the project property, as very little outside of the powerhouse and dam is under the project’s ownership. The surrounding land is primarily mixed industrial and commercial buildings.

Threatened or endangered species potentially present in the project vicinity include the Northern Long-eared Bat. Consultation with VANR has determined that project operations do not negatively affect the listed species. The primary concern for the Northern Long-eared Bat is the clearing of trees, of which the species rely on for habitat.

The project infrastructure, including the dams, intake structure, generating units, and powerhouse, is eligible for the 国家历史遗迹名录. The project operates under a cultural resources management plan, which ensures annual communications with the Vermont Division for Historic Preservation.

Recreational resources at the project include a canoe portage, portage trail, and a handicapped-accessible viewpoint and fishing deck just downstream of the project. The project owner voluntarily revised the 帕苏姆西克河独木舟和休闲指南 and provides guided facility tours. Public access is provided free of charge.



2025: 未发现任何重大变化或合规问题。根据年度审查,该项目仍然合规。

2024: 未发现任何重大变化或合规问题。根据年度审查,该项目仍然合规。

2023: 未发现任何重大变化或合规问题。根据年度审查,该项目仍然合规。

2022: 未发现任何重大变化或合规问题。根据年度审查,该项目仍然合规。

2021: 未报告任何变更或合规问题。根据年度审查,该项目仍然合规。

2020: 未报告任何变更或合规问题。根据年度审查,该项目仍然合规。

2019: 未报告任何变更或合规问题。根据年度审查,该项目仍然合规。

2018: The project reported installing new directional signage along the canoe portage route and a new picnic bench at the Le Clair site. FERC approved the improvements in 2017. The project remains in compliance based on the annual review.

2017: 当前证书的年度报告尚未生效。


2022 年 1 月 1 日: LIHI 证书期限已根据 2022 年 1 月 1 日发布的 LIHI 第 2 版认证手册 2.05 版延长。有关新期限,请参阅上面的设施表。

2018年8月15日: The decision to recertify the Arnold Falls Hydroelectric Project is final. No appeals were received during the appeal period which closed on August 11, 2018. The new term for the Arnold Falls Project is from February 6, 2017 through February 5, 2022.

2018 年 7 月 12 日: The Low Impact Hydropower Institute (LIHI) preliminarily approved the Arnold Falls Hydroelectric Project for a new 5-year term of Low Impact Certification. This decision is preliminary pending the 30-day appeal window. Only those who commented in the initial application during the 60-day comment period are eligible to file an appeal. Such appeal needs to include an explanation as to how the projects do not meet the LIHI criteria. Appeal requests can be submitted by email to with “Arnold Falls Hydroelectric Project” in the subject line, or by mail addressed to the Low Impact Hydropower Institute, 329 Massachusetts Ave, Suite 2, Lexington, MA 02420. All requests will be posted to the website and the applicant will have an opportunity to respond and any response will also be posted. 请求必须在 2018 年 8 月 11 日东部时间下午 5 点前收到。  The full application and reviewer’s report are available below. If no appeal requests are received and the decision becomes final, the new term for the Arnold Falls Project will be February 6, 2017 through February 5, 2022.

2018年6月11日: The Arnold Falls certification term has been extended again to September 30, 2018.

2018年4月3日: The Arnold Falls y certification term has been extended again to June 30, 2018.

2017年11月28日: The Arnold Falls  certification term has been extended to March 31, 2018.

2016年12月30日: The Low Impact Hydropower Institute has received a complete application for a new term of Low Impact Certification for the Arnold Falls Hydroelectric project. The application materials can be found in the Files section below. LIHI is seeking public comment on this application.  Specifically, we are interested in knowing whether you think the Arnold Falls project meets the LIHI Low Impact Certification Criteria, as revised in the 2nd Edition Handbook released in March 2016.  Please review the program and criteria in LIHI’s revised 手册 and then review the Project’s 2016 application materials posted on the project page. Comments that are directly tied to specific LIHI criteria (flows, water quality, fish passage, etc.) will be most helpful, but all comments will be considered.  Comments may be submitted to the Institute by e-mail at with “Arnold Falls Project Comments” in the subject line, or by mail addressed to the Low Impact Hydropower Institute, PO Box 194, Harrington Park, New Jersey 07640.  评论必须在 2017 年 3 月 4 日东部时间下午 5 点之前送达研究所 予以考虑。所有评论都将发布到网站上,申请人将有机会作出回应。任何回应也将发布。

2016年12月16日: The Arnold Falls Hydroelectric project has been granted an extension of the current certificate term. The new expiration date is May 6, 2017. See extension letter for explanation below.

2012年9月9日: The Arnold Falls project has been certified as low impact for a five year term, effective February 6, 2012 and expiring February 6, 2017.

2012年4月6日: 该申请的公众评论期已结束。

2012年2月6日: The Central Vermont Public Service Corporation has submitted an application for the certification of the Arnold Falls project. Public comment period on application has opened.


2017 年重新认证

2012 年认证
