The Low Impact Hydropower Certification Handbook is reviewed annually. The Handbook is edited and updated as needed with input from staff, governance, and with public comment in the case of proposed programmatic changes.
The 2nd Edition LIHI Handbook Revision 2.06 is the current revision, effective March 1, 2025. A highlighted version showing the changes can be found HERE.
In addition to updates of application instructions, tables, and forms (Handbook Appendix B, see How to Apply page), the current Handbook Revision 2.06 includes the following key changes from Revision 2.05:
- Additional defined terms including those related to indigenous knowledge, Tribal Nations, and various tribal interests and resources
- Modified and expanded the use and treatment of “science-based” and “indigenous knowledge based” information; and “resource agency and tribal government recommendations”
- Expanded and clarified the scope of tribal considerations, interests, and engagement
- Simplified criterion names
- Clarified eligibility language in cases where a dam has been recommended for removal or decommissioning
- Clarified that a facility must satisfy both a numbered standard and the criterion goal in each Zone of Effect
- Expanded measures eligible for PLUS consideration (Standard E-4) for the Shorelines and Watershed criterion
- Clarified that impoundments not owned or controlled by the applicant must still be included in the application as a Zone of Effect
- Clarified LIHI fees for special circumstances