LIHI Certificate #139 – Gambo Project, Maine

Nom du projet | Gambo |
Numéro de certificat LIHI | 139 |
Durée du certificat LIHI | 5 septembre 2017 – 4 septembre 2027 |
Propriétaire | Presumpscot Hydro LLC, une filiale de Relevate Power LLC |
État | Maine |
Emplacement | Windham et Gorham, comtés de Cumberland River mile 18.6 Rivière Presumpscot |
Capacité installée | 1,9 MW |
Génération annuelle moyenne | 7,000 MWH |
Type d'établissement | au fil de l'eau |
Fédération internationale de radio-télévision (FERC) Non. | P-2931 issued in 2003, expires 09/30/2053 |
The Gambo Project is located on the Presumpscot River in Cumberland County, Maine. The project has been used almost continuously for hydroelectric generation since its original construction (c. 1850). The site was originally developed as a sawmill in the 18th century by Jonathan Lovett and was later part of the Oriental Gun Powder Mill until c. 1904. The current barrage was built in 1912 by E.I. duPont de Nemours Company, which used the site to manufacture wood flour for dynamite until 1950. Between 1950 and 1960, the site was owned by the Town of Windham, U.S. Small Business Administration, and the Commercial Chemical Corp, but was not known to have been used. In 1960, Mr. Lawrence Keddy began to use the site to provide power to his Little Falls steel mill. He also sold some of the power to Central Maine Power Company. S.D. Warren (later renamed Sappi North America, Inc.) purchased the Gambo Project from the Commercial Chemical Corporation on October 18, 1974 and the John Phinney property on the Gorham side of the River in 1978. The project was subsequently resold. On the Presumpscot River there are six hydroelectric facilities between Sebago Lake and the Atlantic Ocean in Portland, Maine. The Gambo project is the fourth hydroelectric project downstream of the Sebago Lake outlet. Upstream projects include Barrage à anguilles (LIHI #137), Gorham Nord (LIHI #129), et Dundee (LIHI #138). Downstream projects include Little Falls (LIHI #140) et Chutes de Mallison (#141).
The project includes the dam, déversoir, canal intake, centrale, two turbines, bypass reach, and upstream passage facilities. The dam is a 300-foot-long, 24-foot-high reinforced concrete structure, consisting of a 250-foot-long overflow section. One-foot-four-inch-high wooden tableaux d'affichage exist on the spillway section of the dam. The canal intake structure is 50 feet long leading to a sluice gate structure and a 737-foot-long, 15-foot-deep concrete-lined intake canal. The powerhouse is a concrete and brick structure containing two vertical Turbines Francis direct connected to generators with a total installed capacity of 1.9 MW. The project bypass reach is 300-foot-long and free-flowing between the dam and powerhouse tailwaters. An 8-mile-long, 11-kV transmission line connects the project to the electrical grid.
The project operates in run-of-river mode and impounds a 151-acre reservoir. The project provides a minimum flow of 66 cfs. 100 cfs is required when the water temperature exceeds 22°C before 8:00am at the Gambo impoundment in order to meet and maintain Class B dissolved oxygen criteria. Mise en fourrière fluctuations are limited to 1-foot from the crest of the dam and are monitored by pressure sensors. The flow regime was developed in accordance with Maine Department of Environmental Protection (MEDEP) and Maine Department of Marine Resources (MDMR) standards for fishery protection and riverine habitat suitability.
Waters within the project reach are designated Class B and have been historically impaired for low dissolved oxygen levels. Monitoring conducted by MEDEP has confirmed that increased minimum flows provided by the project have resulted in full attainment of the dissolved oxygen standard.
Les barrages en aval empêchent poisson anadrome passage at the project. With the 2019 FERC license amendment incorporating an amended water quality certification and revised USFWS terms, anadromous passage des poissons is no longer required during the current FERC license term. Eel passage facilities were installed in 2007 and have been updated to provide more effective access for American eel passage. From September 1 through October 31, the project shuts down operations for 8 hours starting at sunset. This facilitates downstream migration of American eel. Shutdowns are coordinated with MDMR and US Fish and Wildlife Service to determine the most effective timing. Flows pass over the spillway and ensure safe migration into the bypass reach.
The project property consists of 25 acres not including the impoundment. A shoreline management plan was developed to maintain a buffer zone for the protection of sensitive plant species, aesthetic resources, and recreational access. The SMP was developed in consultation with the National Park Service, Maine State Planning Office, MDIFW, and the Casco Bay Estuary Project. The buffer zone pertains to all project lands within 200 feet of the normal high-water elevation.
Les espèces menacées et en voie de disparition potentiellement présentes à proximité du projet comprennent : la chauve-souris nordique, la chauve-souris pygmée, la petite chauve-souris brune, l'alasmidonte renflée, le petit blongios, le bécasseau des champs, la tortue-boîte de l'Est et la tortue ponctuée. Les activités susceptibles d'affecter les espèces répertoriées comprennent : l'élimination de grands arbres qui peuvent fournir un habitat de repos aux chauves-souris ; l'exposition/l'assèchement de la moule de l'alasmidonte renflée pendant les abaissements importants et prolongés des retenues d'eau, la perte ou la fragmentation de l'habitat en raison du développement du petit blongios, du bécasseau des champs et de la tortue ponctuée, la capture directe de tortues-boîtes pour en faire des animaux de compagnie. Le propriétaire du projet a indiqué qu'aucune de ces activités n'est prévue dans le cadre du projet.
Les ressources culturelles à proximité du projet comprennent les parcs nationaux de Cumberland et d'Oxford. Canal, the Oriental Powder Mill Complex, and the Gambo Pony Truss Bridge. The project owner submits annual reports to the State Historic Preservation Office and the Penobscot Indian Nation detailing activities conducted under its historic properties management plan.
Recreational resources at the project include a canoe portage trail, a walk-in angler access point, and a car-top boat launch.
État de conformité
Le certificat comprend les conditions spécifiques à l'établissement suivantes :
Condition partially satisfied in 2022 with completion of modifications. Condition 1: The Owner shall notify LIHI when the modifications to the Project to improve upstream eel passage are completed and submit copies of MDMR and USFWS comments related to whether these modifications are sufficient, and/or if additional effectiveness testing is required to confirm that eels are safely passing upstream at the Project. If additional testing is required, the schedule and final results along with agency comments on the report, agency recommendations for modifications, and plans and schedule for any needed modifications to shall also be provided to LIHI.
Condition 2. Le propriétaire doit informer le LIHI des activités suivantes dans la déclaration annuelle de conformité du LIHI :
un) The status of Condition 1 above.
b) Satisfied in 2019 with FERC amendment. The status of upstream and downstream anadromous fish passage activities at the Project and at the Saccarappa Project. The updates should include summaries of agency and stakeholder consultation and recommendations made, any changes in the fish passage plans from those described in the LIHI application, and any changes in passage requirements or the timing of implementation at both Projects. LIHI reserves the right to suspend its certification if the agencies do not determine that safe passage at the Project is being provided and that such passage needs have not been waived.
c) Un résumé de toute consultation avec le MIF&W et/ou l'USFWS concernant les espèces répertoriées par l'État ou le gouvernement fédéral identifiées comme pouvant être présentes sur le site et susceptibles d'être affectées par des activités de construction ou des opérations ou activités de maintenance non routinières. Cela comprendrait également les rabattements de retenue qui exposeraient une partie importante du fond de la rivière, entre autres activités non routinières. Un résumé des activités de déclenchement pertinentes et des mesures mises en œuvre au cours de l'année pour protéger ces espèces doit également être fourni.
2024: No material changes or compliance issues were identified. The project remains in compliance based on the annual review. For Condition 1 and 2a, the project submitted the 2023 upstream eel passage report to FERC including agency comments and responses. For Condition 2c, the project reported no activity.
2023: No material changes or compliance issues were identified. The project remains in compliance based on the annual review. For Condition 1 and 2a, the project reported completion of eel passage effectiveness testing in 2023. For Condition 2c, the project reported no activity.
2022: No material changes or compliance issues were identified. The project remains in compliance based on the annual review. For Condition 1 and 2a, the project reported completion of eel passage modifications and agency consultation on additional testing will be completed in 2022. For Condition 2c, the project reported no activity.
2021: There were no reported changes or compliance issues. The project remains in compliance based on the annual review. For Condition 1 and 2a, the project reported upstream eel passage modifications were underway and agency approval to conduct effectiveness testing in 2023. For Condition 2c, the project reported no activity.
2020: There were no reported changes or compliance issues. The project remains in compliance based on the annual review. For Condition 1 and 2a, the project reported no change in status, anticipating completion of modifications in 2021. For Condition 2c, the project reported no activity.
2019: There were no reported changes or compliance issues. The project remains in compliance based on the annual review. For Condition 1 and 2a, the project reported no change in status due to high flows. For Condition 2b, the project reported that removal of the Saccarappa dam had begun and the FERC license amendment incorporating an amended water quality certification and revised USFWS terms, anadromous fish passage is no longer required during the current FERC license term. For Condition 2c, the project reported no activity.
2018: There were no reported changes or compliance issues. The project remains in compliance based on the annual review. For Condition 1, the project reported no change in status. For Condition 2b, the project reported filing with FERC of the Saccarapa project license surrender application. For Condition 2c, the project reported no change in status.
Historique des certifications
1er janvier 2022 : La durée du certificat LIHI a été prolongée conformément à la révision 2.05 du manuel de certification LIHI 2e édition publié le 1er janvier 2022. Reportez-vous au tableau des établissements ci-dessus pour connaître la nouvelle durée.
5 mars 2018 – The 30-day appeal window closed for the preliminary certification decision of the Gambo Hydroelectric Project closed on March 1, 2018 with no appeals to the decision received. The decision is therefore final and Dundee is LIHI Certificate #138. The Certificate term will be September 5, 2017 – September 4, 2022.
30 janvier 2018 – On January 24, 2018, the Low Impact Hydropower Institute (LIHI) preliminarily approved Low Impact Certification for the Gambo project. This decision is preliminary pending the 30-day appeal window. Only those who commented in the initial application 60-day comment period are eligible to file an appeal. Such appeal needs to include an explanation as to how the project does not meet the LIHI criteria. Appeal requests can be submitted to Les demandes doivent être reçues avant 17 h 00, heure de l’Est, le 1er mars 2018.
7 septembre 2017 – On September 7, 2017, the Low Impact Hydropower Institute (LIHI) received a complete application from S.D. Warren Company d/b/a Sappi North America for the Low Impact Certification of the Gambo Hydroelectric Project, FERC No. P-2931, located on the Presumpscot River in Maine.
LIHI is seeking comment on the Gambo application for certification. Comments that are directly tied to specific LIHI criteria (flows, water quality, fish passage, etc.) will be most helpful, but all comments will be considered. Comments may be submitted to the Institute by e-mail at with “Gambo Project Comments” in the subject line, or by mail addressed to the Low Impact Hydropower Institute, 329 Massachusetts Avenue, Suite 2, Lexington, MA 02420. Les commentaires doivent être reçus à l'Institut au plus tard à 17 heures, heure de l'Est, le 7 novembre 2017. à prendre en considération. Tous les commentaires seront publiés sur le site Web et le candidat aura la possibilité d'y répondre. Toute réponse sera également publiée.
Dossiers de certification
Certification 2017
- Gambo Certification Review Report 2017
- Gambo Certification Application 2017
- Lettre de commentaires de la Conservation Law Foundation/Friends of the Presumpscot River – Projets Sappi Maine 2017
- Réponse de Sappi à la lettre de commentaires de la Conservation Law Foundation/Friends of the Presumpscot River
Documents clés
- Modification de la licence FERC pour les projets Presumpscot 2019
- Projets Presumpscot Modification de la licence FERC et certificat de qualité de l'eau modifié 2017
- Projets Presumpscot Modification de la licence FERC et certificat de qualité de l'eau modifié 2016
- Accord de règlement des projets de Presumpscot 2016
- Gambo FERC License and Water Quality Certificate 2003
- Projets Presumpscot - Déclaration d'impact environnemental de la FERC 2002, partie 1
- Projets Presumpscot - Déclaration d'impact environnemental de la FERC 2002, partie 2