LIHI Certificate #151 – West Delaware Tunnel Project, New York

项目名称 West Delaware Tunnel
LIHI 证书编号
LIHI 证书期限
March 29, 2019 – March 28, 2034
所有者 West Delaware Hydropower Associates, LP, a subsidiary of Brookfield Renewable Energy Group
状态 纽约
地点 西特拉华渡槽
装机容量 7.5 MW
平均年发电量 26,400 MWh
设施类型 导管
联邦能源管理委员会 不。 P-9159 exempt 1986

The West Delaware Tunnel Project is located near Grahamsville in Sullivan County, New York, on land owned by the New York City Department of Environmental Protection (NYCDEP) as part of their West Delaware Aqueduct, which supplies drinking water to New York City. The project is located in the aqueduct between Rondout Reservoir and Cannonsville Reservoir. The project was constructed in 1987 several decades after the construction of the two reservoirs in 1950 and 1964, respectively.

The project includes a 60-foot-long, 66-inch-diameter 压力水管 and a 发电站. The owner has an easement for the use of the property. The powerhouse contains one vertical 弗朗西斯式水轮机/generator with a capacity of 7.5 MW. Water is diverted from the West Delaware Aqueduct to the buried penstock which brings the water to the powerhouse turbine. The water is discharged into a stilling pool (used to reduce the water velocity) which in turn discharges into Rondout Reservoir.

The project operates as a conduit facility. On a weekly basis, the NYCDEP sends a water allotment based upon NY City’s water supply needs. NYCDEP’s system determines the weekly water allotment based upon a number of factors including reservoir levels, inflow forecasts, climatology, and water quality. If there is a given allotment from the NYCDEP, the project owner will then determine the flow rate and timing schedule to deliver the requested allotment over the period specified. Typically, the project will run its turbine at best efficiency to maximize power for a 达到顶峰 schedule.

Waters within the project reach are designated as Class AA drinking water. The associated reservoirs are both impaired for mercury caused by atmospheric deposition and Cannonsville reservoir is listed for phosphorus from agricultural and municipal sources. As a conduit facility, the project does not impact water quality.

The project does not create a barrier to 鱼道 nor are there any migratory fish expected to be impacted by water flowing in the Aqueduct. Both reservoirs are annually stocked with brown, lake, and rainbow trout and natural populations of alewife and smelt can be found in Rondout Reservoir due to its tributary (Rondout Creek).

The powerhouse is located within a fenced property with an area of approximately 4,000 square yards. No lands of significant ecological value are found in the project reach due to its man-made nature.

Threatened and endangered species potentially within the project vicinity include the Bald eagle. A bald eagle nest has been observed roughly 500 feet from the site boundary. The only concern identified was the design of the transmission lines to avoid electrocution hazards associated with the project. The US Fish and Wildlife Service raised this concern, but the transmission lines are not under project ownership.

The project owner consulted with the New York State Division of Historic Preservation which concluded that no historic properties are affected by the operations of the project.

The powerhouse is a secure and fenced area with no opportunity for public access. Recreation at the nearby Rondout Reservoir is strictly controlled and managed by the NYCDEP as it is used for drinking water supply.



2025: 未发现任何重大变化或合规问题。根据年度审查,该项目仍然合规。

2024: 未发现任何重大变化或合规问题。根据年度审查,该项目仍然合规。

2023: 未发现任何重大变化或合规问题。根据年度审查,该项目仍然合规。

2022: 未发现任何重大变化或合规问题。根据年度审查,该项目仍然合规。

2021: 未报告任何变更或合规问题。根据年度审查,该项目仍然合规。

2020: 未报告任何变更或合规问题。根据年度审查,该项目仍然合规。

2019: 当前证书的年度报告尚未生效。


2022 年 1 月 1 日: LIHI 证书期限已根据 2022 年 1 月 1 日发布的 LIHI 第 2 版认证手册 2.05 版延长。有关新期限,请参阅上面的设施表。

July 16, 2019: The decision to certify the West Delaware Tunnel Hydroelectric Project is final. No appeals were received during the appeal period which closed on July 13, 2019. The new certification term for the Project is from March 29, 2019 through March 28, 2029.

June 12, 2019: The Low Impact Hydropower Institute (LIHI) has preliminarily approved Low Impact Certification for the West Delaware Tunnel Hydroelectric Project.

此决定是初步决定,需等待 30 天的申诉期。只有在 60 天的评论期内对初始申请发表评论的人才有资格提出上诉。此类上诉需要说明该项目为何不符合 LIHI 标准。上诉请求可以通过电子邮件提交至 with “West Delaware Tunnel Hydroelectric Project” in the subject line, or by mail addressed to the Low Impact Hydropower Institute, 329 Massachusetts Ave, Suite 6, Lexington, MA 02420. All requests will be posted to the website.  The applicant will have an opportunity to respond and any response will also be posted. Requests must be received by 5 pm Eastern time on July 13, 2019.  完整的申请和审阅者报告如下。

If no appeal requests are received and the decision becomes final, the Certification term for the Project (pending LIHI #151) will be March 29, 2019 through March 28, 2029.

April 2, 2019:The Low Impact Hydropower Institute has received a complete application for Low Impact Certification of the West Delaware Tunnel Hydroelectric Project.  LIHI is seeking public comment on this application.  Specifically, we are interested in knowing whether you think the Project meets the LIHI Low Impact Certification Criteria, as revised in the 2nd Edition Handbook.  Please review the program and criteria in LIHI’s revised 手册 然后查看下面该项目的申请材料。

与特定 LIHI 标准(流量、水质、鱼类通道等)直接相关的评论将非常有帮助,但所有评论都会被考虑。评论可以通过电子邮件提交给研究所,地址为 with “West Delaware Tunnel Project Comments” in the subject line, or by mail addressed to the Low Impact Hydropower Institute, 329 Massachusetts Avenue, Suite 6, Lexington, MA 02420.  Comments must be received on or before 5 pm Eastern time on June 1, 2019 予以考虑。所有评论都将发布到网站上,申请人将有机会作出回应。任何回应也将发布。


2019 年认证
