LIHI Certificate #14C - Lower Raquette River Project, New York

項目名稱 Lower Raquette
理海證書編號 14C
LIHI 證書期限
2019 年 7 月 9 日 – 2029 年 7 月 8 日
擁有者 Erie Boulevard Hydropower, LP,布魯克菲爾德再生能源集團的子公司
狀態 紐約
地點 Located along the Raquette River between river mile 20 and 28 in St. Lawrence County, New York.
裝置容量 Total: 18.0 MW

Norwood: 3.1 MW

East Norfolk: 4.8 MW

Norfolk: 7.0 MW

Raymondville: 3.1 MW

平均年發電量 102,520 MWh
設施類型 modified 河川徑流
聯邦能源監管委員會 不。 P-2330 issued in 2002, expires 12/21/2033

The Lower Raquette River Project is located on the Raquette River in St. Lawrence County, New York. The Raquette River has a total drainage basin of 1,269 square miles at its mouth and originates in the Adirondack highlands at Blue Mountain Lake, Raquette Lake and Long Lake. The river flows generally north-northwest for more than 146 miles, through Potsdam, New York, and empties into the St. Lawrence River, near Massena, New York. Historically, the river has been developed for waterpower for sawmills, paper mills, tanneries, and other industry.

拉奎特河上共有 19 個水力發電項目,包括 皮爾斯菲爾德 (LIHI #156), 上拉奎特 (LIHI #14A), Middle Raquette (LIHI # 14B), 和 耶魯維爾 (LIHI #157) located between two developments in the Lower Raquette Project.

The project is comprised of four developments: Norwood, East Norfolk, Norfolk, and Raymondville. Raymondville is the first on the river. The developments were constructed in 1928 for the sole purpose of power generation.


  • Norwood: The dam is a concrete-gravity structure, 188 feet long by 24 feet high with 1-foot-high wooden 閃光板. It impounds a 350-acre reservoir. The intake structure is concrete with steel trashracks, a skimmer section, and three motor-operated steel sliding 蓋茲. There are two timber flood gates, one 9 feet, 9 inches wide by 12 feet high, the other is 12 feet high by 12 feet wide. The concrete log chute has a 停止日誌 opening 11 feet, 2 inches by 4 feet, 6 inches high. The 發電站 is made of concrete and brick and contains one 3.1-MW generating unit. The powerhouse is integral to the dam so there is no bypassed reach.
  • East Norfolk: The dam is a concrete-gravity structure that consists of a 195 ft long 弧形 溢洪道, 28 ft stoplog structure, and an additional 50 ft wide ogee spillway section. The dam impounds a 135-acre reservoir. The concrete intake structure is equipped with steel trashracks, a skimmer section, and an ice chute with a three steel sliding gates. The steel 水槽 is 32-foot wide by 1,398 foot long and oval shaped. The dam creates a bypassed reach approximately 2,100 feet long. The powerhouse contains a single 4.0 MW generating unit.
  • Norfolk: The dam is a concrete structure, 380 ft long spillway, 20 feet high with 10-inch flashboards, three 12-foot-wide by 10-foot-high steel headworks gates, and two 9-foot-high by 9-foot-wide sluice gates. The dam impounds a 10-acre reservoir. A power 運河 extends approximately 1,275 ft downstream from the canal intake and connects to a 14-foot diameter, 715-foot-long woodstave 壓力水管, which transitions to a 14-foot diameter103-foot-long steel penstock that is fitted with a motor-operated butterfly valve. The stave is protected by two steel trashracks and has a skimmer section and a 6-foot wide by 6-foot-high ice sluice. The ice sluice is used for flushing ice and debris downstream. The dam creates a bypassed reach approximately 3,700 feet long. The power canal is 1,275 feet long. The powerhouse is made of concrete and brick and contains a single 4.5 MW generating unit.
  • Raymondville: The dam is a 292-foot-wide by 17-foot-high concrete gravity structure with 2-foot-high rubber and steel flashboards. The dam impounds a 50-acre reservoir. There are two 4-foot by 4-foot pond drains and a 48-foot-wide by 447-foot-long concrete power flume with trashracks, an ice chute, and three steel flume intake gates, each 12 feet wide by 10 feet high. The dam creates a bypassed reach approximately 330 feet long. The powerhouse is made of concrete, brick, and steel, and contains a single 2.7 MW generating unit.

該項目運營於 徑流 mode. From 2002 to about 2007, the project developments were operated in a pulsing mode. The normal reservoir fluctuation was limited to no more than 0.5 foot at the Norwood, East Norfolk, and Raymondville developments and no more than 1.0 foot at the Norfolk development. As subsequently modified in 2006 the operation of all the developments was changed from a pulsing mode to a run-of-river mode. This mode of operation targets a normal maximum fluctuation limit of 0.2 feet below the dam crest or top of flashboards. However, up to 0.5 feet of impoundment fluctuation is allowed before an impoundment level deviation notification to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) is warranted. This mode maintains reservoir levels at or near the top of the dam crest or top of 插板.

Minimum flows are provided at each of the developments and were developed based on a Delphi study. The flow volumes and periodicity at each development were intended to support multiple resource agency management objectives that prioritized restoration of walleye spawning and incubation as the top priority, fish movement, restoration of benthic invertebrate and forage fish production, 河岸濕地 production, aesthetics, safety, and water quality. In reaches where little improvement could be made the flow volumes were kept minimal. In reaches where significant benefits were expected, larger volumes and/or longer periods of seasonal flows were established.

  • Norwood: A continuous fish conveyance flow of 20 cfs is released for downstream passage;
  • East Norfolk: A year-round 75 cfs release is maintained into the bypass reach through the stop log section near the left shore and intake.
  • Norfolk: A year-round 75 cfs release is maintained below the confluence of the trash sluice channel and the bypass reach. A release of 55 cfs is maintained from the stop log section of the dam near the right shore and gates at the upstream end of the bypass reach. A second release of 20 cfs is maintained in the trash sluice channel which enters the bypass reach.
  • Raymondville: A fish conveyance flow of 20 cfs is released into the bypass reach for downstream passage. A 基流 below the development is also provided which varies depending on river conditions (wet, normal, dry or critically dry years). All flows are spilled from the dam when the development is not operating.

Waters within the project reach are designated as Class C. These waters are managed to achieve and maintain a level of quality that fully support aquatic biota, wildlife, aquatic habitat, swimming and other primary contact recreation, boating, fishing, and other recreational uses. NYSDEC has not identified any impaired waters in the project reach. The project voluntarily built and installed invasive species disposal stations in accordance with NYSDEC design at each development’s boat launch to mitigate the spread of the invasive Eurasian Watermilfoil species. The milfoil species is typically carried from one waterbody to another via recreational boats, kayaks, and canoes.

Upstream passage is provided at the developments for American eel, a 洄游性 species. An eel passage plan was developed through consultation with the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and NYSDEC. The eel passage facilities consist of 18-inch-wide aluminum 水槽 with solid bottoms, installed with a maximum slope of 45 degrees, one-foot-wide aluminum troughs to convey attraction flows, pumps, and siphons to provide attraction and ladder flows, removable cover plates at East Norfolk, Norfolk, and Raymondville and substrate liners in the flumes. 虹吸管 pipes are used to supply attraction flows of 120 gallons per minute (GPM) and pumps provide 20 GPM into the ladders. The ladders are hinged in the lower sections to prevent damage during high flows, ice and from other debris impacts. Downstream passage for river species is provided via the minimum flow releases at each development. Resident river fish species include a diverse group of game and pan fish. NYSDEC manages the river as a mixed cool-water/warm-water fishery. The most abundant species are walleye, smallmouth bass, northern pike, yellow perch, rock bass, pumpkinseed, and brown bullhead. Trashracks with 1-inch spacing at the developments mitigate the potential for 夾帶.

The project boundary consists of over 2,000 acres, including the reservoirs. The overbank areas in the impoundments consist of rural housing and industrial uses. The overbank areas of the Lower Raquette River, located between the developments, consist of agricultural and natural lands of non-significant ecological value.

Threatened or endangered species potentially present in the project vicinity include the Northern long-eared bat, several wintering migratory birds, bald eagle, yellow lampmussel, lake sturgeon, and downy phlox as identified through consultation with NYSDEC. No critical habitat has been identified in the project area for the listed bird species as noted by USFWS. Populations of yellow lampmussel have been determined to be healthy and run-of-river operations mitigate any potential project impact on the species. Similarly, lake sturgeon populations are not expected to be adversely impacted due to project run-of-river operations. Consultation with NYSDEC and USFWS noted presence of downy phlox in an undisclosed location near one development but concluded that operations would not impact the species.

The project was constructed in 1928 but no structures at the developments meet the criteria for listing on the 國家歷史遺跡名錄. Additionally, no properties of indigenous religious or cultural significance were identified in the project area despite the close proximity of the project to the St. Regis Mohawk Tribe’s reservation downstream.

Public access is provided free of charge and recreational resources at the project include:

  • Norwood: canoe portage, boat launch, picnic facilities, and parking area.
  • East Norfolk: canoe portage with parking.
  • Norfolk: canoe portage with parking.
  • Raymondville: canoe portage, car top boat launch, and picnic facilities with parking.



條件一: 設施所有者應繼續在年度合規提交文件中向 LIHI 提供年度報告,記錄全年發生的營運偏差(無論是無意的還是有計劃的)。該報告將與年度合規聲明同時提交。

條件2: The Facility Owner shall provide status updates in annual compliance submittals regarding any agreements related to the USGS gage relocation and/or other alternatives implemented for stream flow monitoring at Raymondville.

2023: No material changes or compliance issues were identified.  The project remains in compliance based on the annual review.  For Condition 1, the project reported several minor deviations not considered FERC violations. For Condition 2, the project reported no change in status.

2022: No material changes or compliance issues were identified.  The project remains in compliance based on the annual review.  For Condition 1, the project reported several minor deviations not considered FERC violations and one base flow deviation at Raymondville that was considered a FERC violation, although it was of very short duration, the project took corrective actions, made proper agency notifications, and no adverse impacts were identified. For Condition 2, the project reported no change in status.

2021: There were no reported changes or compliance issues. The project remains in compliance based on the annual review.  For Condition 1, the project reported several minor deviations not considered FERC violations. For Condition 2, the project reported no change in status.

2020: There were no reported changes or compliance issues. The project remains in compliance based on the annual review.  For Condition 1, the project reported four minor deviations not considered FERC violations. For Condition 2, the project reported no change in status.

2019: 目前證書的年度報告尚未生效。


2022 年 1 月 1 日: 根據 2022 年 1 月 1 日發布的 LIHI 第二版認證手冊第 2.05 版,LIHI 證書期限已延長。

2020 年 2 月 7 日: The decision to recertify the Lower Raquette Project became final after the close of the appeals period on February 5, 2020 with no appeals filed.  The Certification term is from July 9, 2019 – July 8, 2024.

2020 年 1 月 6 日: The Low Impact Hydropower Institute has preliminarily approved Low Impact Recertification for the Lower Raquette Hydroelectric Project. This decision is preliminary pending the 30-day appeal window. Only those who commented on the initial application during the 60-day comment period are eligible to file an appeal. Such appeal needs to include an explanation as to how the Project does not meet the LIHI criteria. Appeal requests can be submitted by email to 評論 with “Lower Raquette Hydroelectric Project” in the subject line, or by mail addressed to the Low Impact Hydropower Institute, 329 Massachusetts Ave, Suite 6, Lexington, MA 02420. All requests will be posted to the website.  The applicant will have an opportunity to respond and any response will also be posted. 請求必須在東部時間 2020 年 2 月 5 日下午 5 點前收到。  完整的申請和審閱者報告如下。如果沒有收到上訴請求,且決定成為最終決定,則該計畫的認證期限為 2019 年 7 月 9 日至 2024 年 7 月 8 日。

2019年8月13日: The Low Impact Hydropower Institute has received a complete application for Low Impact Recertification of the Lower Raquette Hydroelectric Project.  LIHI is seeking public comment on this application.  Specifically, we are interested in knowing whether you think the Project meets the LIHI Low Impact Certification Criteria, as revised in the 2nd Edition Handbook.  Please review the program and criteria in LIHI’s revised 手冊 然後查看下面該項目的申請資料。與特定 LIHI 標準(流量、水質、 魚道等等)將非常有幫助,但所有評論都會被考慮。意見可以透過電子郵件提交給研究所 評論 with “Lower Raquette Project Comments” in the subject line, or by mail addressed to the Low Impact Hydropower Institute, 329 Massachusetts Avenue, Suite 6, Lexington, MA 02420.  評論必須在 2019 年 10 月 12 日美國東部時間下午 5 點或之前收到 予以考慮。所有評論都將發佈到網站上,申請人將有機會回應。任何回應也將被發布。

2015年5月15日: The Lower Raquette River Hydroelectric Project has been certified for a third term of low impact certification, effective July 9, 2014 and expiring July 9, 2019, with the following conditions:

  • Condition satisfied in 2016. Facility owner shall develop a draft Deviation Reduction Plan (DRP) and submit it to LIHI no later than three months after LIHI certification of LRRP. The DRP define proactive operational control approaches for dam releases and pond level maintenance that will reduce the likelihood of operational deviations occurring in the future.  The DRP needs to address the specific problems and potential recommendations identified in the reviewer’s report. Options to be considered should include audible alarms in control centers and 可程式邏輯控制器。 DRP 應描述考慮的選項、選定的選項以及實施時間表。如果需要,LIHI 工作人員將審查並評論該計劃草案,並隨時協助制定 DRP。最終的 DRP 需要在 LIHI 認證後的六個月內完成並獲得 EBH 和 LIHI 的同意。
  • Condition continued in 202o certification. 設施所有者應向 LIHI 提供年度報告,記錄認證期間每年發生的與河道流量或池塘水位的運作偏差。報告應描述已發生的所有偏差,無論偏差是有計劃的還是無意的,也無論最終是否被 FERC 視為不違反許可。該報告應與年度合規聲明和年度認證費用的支付同時提交。

In rendering this Certification, the Institute’s Executive Director used authority delegated by the LIHI Governing Board and the unanimous recommendation by the LIHI Governing Board Technical Committee resulting from a full review of the Application Reviewer’s report (available in the Files section below) and all public comments and additional materials provided by the Applicant.

2014年5月12日: 低影響水電研究所收到了拉奎特河計畫第三期認證申請。現行證書期限原定於 2014 年 7 月 9 日到期,但為了留出時間進行公眾評論和內部審查,證書期限已延長至 2014 年 8 月 30 日。

2010年4月15日: 拉奎特河計畫已被認證為低影響項目,第二個五年期限從 2009 年 7 月 9 日生效,到 2014 年 7 月 9 日到期。

2004年10月27日: 拉奎特河計畫已被認證為低影響項目,有效期為五年,自 2004 年 7 月 9 日生效,至 2009 年 7 月 9 日到期。




2009 年重新認證

