Final Decision – Recertification of the Bowersock Mills Project, LIHI #15
agosto 4, 2020West Dudley Project, LIHI #76 – Complete Application Received
agosto 12, 2020Lexington MA (August 6, 2020): The Low Impact Hydropower Institute (LIHI) has preliminarily approved the Webster Pembroke Project (LIHI #118) for a new 5-year term of Low Impact Certification. The Certificate includes the following conditions:
Condición 1: The facility Owner shall provide the revised Operations and Flow Monitoring Plan and the amended or extended USFWS MOA within 90 days of finalization of each document with resource agencies. Any changes in operations or required paso de peces measures shall be reported to LIHI in annual compliance submittals.
Condition 2: The facility Owner shall report to LIHI on the status and completion of the partial presa removal and mitigation measures under the SHPO MOA in annual compliance submittals until all work is completed and approved by the SHPO and Comisión Federal de Comercio.
This decision is preliminary pending the 30-day appeal window. Only those who commented on the initial application during the 60-day comment period are eligible to file an appeal. Such appeal needs to include an explanation as to how the Project does not meet the LIHI criteria. Appeal requests can be submitted by email to with “Webster Pembroke Project” in the subject line, or by mail addressed to the Low Impact Hydropower Institute, 329 Massachusetts Ave, Suite 6, Lexington, MA 02420. All requests will be posted to the website. The applicant will have an opportunity to respond and any response will also be posted. Requests must be received by 5 pm Eastern time on September 5, 2020. The full application and reviewer’s report are available AQUÍ.
If no appeal requests are received and the decision becomes final, the Certification term for the Project will be February 23, 2020 through February 22, 2025.
Decisión preliminar: Certificación del proyecto de la presa Wells, pendiente de LIHI #203, WA
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