Certification Criteria and Goals
La certification LIHI améliore la viabilité économique de la production propre et renouvelable tout en soutenant le réinvestissement dans la protection des écosystèmes fluviaux locaux. Les projets (installations) hydroélectriques à faible impact certifiés répondent à huit critères environnementaux, culturels et récréatifs spécifiques fondés sur la science, établis par le Low Impact Hydropower Institute (LIHI), comme indiqué ci-dessous.
1) Flow regimes that support healthy habitats
Goal: The flow regimes in riverine reaches affected by the facility support habitat and other conditions suitable for healthy fish and wildlife resources.
2) Une qualité de l'eau favorable aux ressources halieutiques et fauniques et à l'utilisation humaine
Objectif : La qualité de l'eau est protégée dans les plans d'eau directement touchés par l'installation, y compris les tronçons en aval, les tronçons contournés et les retenues au-dessus des barrages et des dérivations
3) Passage sûr, rapide et efficace des poissons en amont
Goal: The facility allows for the safe, timely, and effective upstream passage of migratory fish to ensure that migratory species can successfully complete their life cycles and maintain healthy populations in areas affected by the facility.
4) Passage sûr, rapide et efficace des poissons en aval
Goal: The facility allows for the safe, timely, and effective downstream passage of migratory fish. For riverine (resident) fish, including resident potamodromous fish, the facility minimizes loss of fish from impoundments and upstream river reaches affected by facility operations. Migratory species can successfully complete their life cycles and maintain healthy populations in the areas affected by the facility.
5) Protection, mitigation and enhancement of the soils, vegetation, and ecosystem functions in the watershed and on shorelines
Goal: The facility has demonstrated that sufficient action has been taken to protect, mitigate or enhance the condition of soils, vegetation, and ecosystem functions on shoreline and watershed lands associated with the facility.
6) Protection des espèces menacées et en voie de disparition
Goal: The facility does not negatively impact federal or state listed species, or tribal trust species.
7) Protection des impacts sur les ressources culturelles et historiques
Goal: The facility does not adversely impact cultural or historic resources associated with the facility’s lands and waters, including archaeological sites, historic era sites, traditional cultural landscapes, traditional cultural properties, and other tribal trust resources.
8) Recreational, public and traditional cultural access is provided without fee or charge
Goal: The facility accommodates recreational activities on lands and waters controlled by the facility; and provides recreational, public, and traditional cultural access to its associated lands and waters without fee or charge.