Stewart’s Bridge Project – Complete Application Received
junio 26, 2020
Final Decision – Recertification of the Woronoco Project, LIHI #68
julio 10, 2020Lexington MA (July 2, 2020): The Low Impact Hydropower Institute (LIHI) has preliminarily approved the Bowersock Mills Project (LIHI #15) for a new 5-year term of Low Impact Certification. The Certificate has no conditions.
Esta decisión es preliminar y está pendiente del período de apelación de 30 días. Solo aquellos que comentaron sobre la solicitud inicial durante el período de comentarios de 60 días son elegibles para presentar una apelación. Dicha apelación debe incluir una explicación de por qué el Proyecto no cumple con los criterios de LIHI. Las solicitudes de apelación se pueden enviar por correo electrónico a comentarios@lowimpacthydro.org with “Bowersock Mills Project” in the subject line, or by mail addressed to the Low Impact Hydropower Institute, 329 Massachusetts Ave, Suite 6, Lexington, MA 02420. All requests will be posted to the website. The applicant will have an opportunity to respond and any response will also be posted. Requests must be received by 5 pm Eastern time on August 1, 2020. The full application and reviewer’s report are available AQUÍ.
If no appeal requests are received and the decision becomes final, the Certification term for the Project will be July 9, 2019 through July 8, 2024.
Proyecto North Umpqua, LIHI #69 OR – Solicitud de recertificación completa recibida
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