LIHI Certificate #19 - West Springfield Project, Massachusetts

項目名稱 | West Springfield |
理海證書編號 | 19 |
LIHI 證書期限 | August 29, 2020 – August 28, 2030 |
擁有者 | A & D Hydro, Inc. |
狀態 | 麻薩諸塞州 |
地點 | Located at river mile 3.7 on the Westfield River in West Springfield and Agawam, Massachusetts. |
裝置容量 | 1.4 MW |
平均年發電量 | 5.500 MWh |
設施類型 | 徑流 |
聯邦能源監管委員會 不。 | P-2608 issued in 1994, expires 09/30/2034 |
The West Springfield Project is located on the Westfield River, a major tributary to the Connecticut River in West Springfield and Agawam, Massachusetts, about 3.7 miles upstream of the confluence with the Connecticut River. The Westfield River is approximately 78.1 miles long, from its 源頭 in the Berkshires in northwestern Massachusetts, to its confluence with the Connecticut River. The river flows from three branches in a northwest to southeast direction, with a total drainage area of 513 square miles at the 壩. The project is located in the Eastern mainstem subwatershed and in the Mittineague area of the river (Indian for “the place of falling waters). West Springfield is the first dam on the Westfield River. There are several dams upstream including, from upstream to downstream the Knightville 壩, a flood control structure owned by the US Army Corps of Engineers, Crescent Dam (Texon Project, LIHI #119) and Woronoco (LIHI #68).
The dam was originally constructed in 1836. The project includes an 18-foot-high, 447.5-foot-long concrete dam with stone abutments that creates a 20-acre impoundment and a 0.5-mile-long bypass reach bifurcated by an island; a 2,610-foot-long, 50-foot-wide power 運河 with stone and masonry headworks containing six 蓋茲; a concrete and brick 發電站 containing two vertical 混流式水輪機/generators with a combined capacity of 1.4 MW; and a tailrace approximately 157 feet in length and having a width varying from 30 to 48 feet.
該項目以瞬時 徑流 mode and provides minimum flows into the bypass reach via three weirs, which varies seasonally from 90-155 cfs. Bypass flow are increased during 魚道 seasons with 40 cfs through the 魚道 and 25 cfs through the downstream fish bypass. Project operations are based on an instream flow study and the Memorandum of Agreement developed with the project owner, Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife (MDFW), and the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS).
Waters within the project reach are designated as Category 2, attaining uses of aesthetics and 二次接觸娛樂. Sampling conducted in the downstream reach indicated water quality was consistent with water quality standards.
Upstream fish passage is facilitated by a Denil-style fishway which provides passage for anadromous species including American shad, Atlantic salmon, sea lamprey, and river herring. An upstream eelway provides passage for American eel with modifications planned to improve passage. Passage through the project opens roughly 20 miles of habitat on the Westfield River. Downstream fish passage is facilitated by the minimum flow releases from the 溢洪道 of 85 cfs from April 1 through July 15 and 125 cfs from September 1 through October 31, and by a downstream fish bypass 水槽 with a flow of 25 cfs. Downstream fish protection measures include a permanent 1-inch trash rack at the 頭 of the power canal and seasonal installation of ¾-inch exclusion racks from approximately April 1 to ice-in each year.
The project boundary encompasses 10 acres. No lands of significant ecological value exist in the project area due to the project’s urban location. Run-of-river operations minimize shoreline erosion.
Threatened and endangered species potentially within project vicinity include northern long-eared bat, bald eagle (state-threatened) as well as three state-listed dragonfly species and four state-listed plants. There are no critical habitats within the project boundary.
Cultural resources in the project vicinity include a paper mill complex in the area eligible for listing on the 國家歷史遺跡名錄. Consultation with the State Historic Preservation Office is required prior to any construction or ground-disturbing activities.
Recreational resources at the project include fishing access, a canoe launch, and hiking trail. Public access is provided free of charge.
條件 1. During downstream fish passage periods, the fish exclusion racks/screens shall be maintained at the head of the power canal. The facility Owner shall continue to coordinate with MA DFW regarding the installation, removal, and maintenance of them. In its annual compliance statements, the Owner shall confirm that such agency coordination has occurred and report on any issues or concerns raised by MDFW or USFWS with a summary of the corrective actions taken.
條件2。 In its annual compliance statements, the facility Owner shall include a summary of any progress made towards installation of new upstream eel passage facilities, including but not limited to dam repairs so that permanent flow patterns are established, eel passage studies, temporary eel passage facilities, permanent eel passage facilities, or discussions between the Owner and MA DFW regarding upstream eel passage.
一個) The facility Owner shall consult with the City of West Springfield to resolve concerns related to the FERC-required recreation area or an alternate site if possible; and shall obtain any FERC-required approvals or license amendments needed. Status updates shall be provided to LIHI in annual compliance submittals.
b) Satisfied in 2022. Within 180 days of the final recertification notice, the facility Owner shall consult with Robinson State Park management on the feasibility of adapting or extending an existing trail to provide a safe take-out and portage route through the park. The results of discussions shall be summarized in annual compliance statements until a final feasibility determination is made.
2024: No material changes or compliance issues were identified. The project remains in compliance based on the annual review. For Condition 1, the project confirmed compliance. For Condition 2, the project reported that dam repair completion was delayed in 2023 due to high water. For Condition 3a the project reported no change from 2023.
2023: No material changes or compliance issues were identified. The project remains in compliance based on the annual review. For Condition 1, the project confirmed compliance. For Condition 2, the project reported that dam repairs remain ongoing. For Condition 3a the project reported that West Springfield City government officials are hoping to find an alternative site to replace the existing recreation area, with ongoing discussions.
2022: No material changes or compliance issues were identified. The project remains in compliance based on the annual review. For Condition 1, the project confirmed compliance. For Condition 2, the project reported that dam repairs are ongoing. For Condition 3a the project reported ongoing discussions with the City. For Condition 3b, the project provided documentation of agreement with the state park that a canoe take-out and portage through the park would be infeasible, satisfying the condition.
2021: 目前證書的年度報告尚未生效。
2022 年 1 月 1 日: 根據 2022 年 1 月 1 日發布的 LIHI 第二版認證手冊第 2.05 版,LIHI 證書期限已延長。
October 22, 2021: The Low Impact Hydropower Institute has issued a final decision on the recertification of the West Springfield Project. The 30-day appeal window closed on October 17, 2021 and no appeals were filed. Therefore, the decision to certify the project is now final. The new term is August 29, 2020 through August 28, 2025.
September 17, 2021: The Low Impact Hydropower Institute (LIHI) has preliminarily approved the West Springfield Project for a 5-year term of Low Impact Certification. This decision is preliminary pending the 30-day appeal window. Only those who commented on the initial application during the 60-day comment period are eligible to file an appeal. Such appeal needs to include an explanation as to how the Project does not meet the LIHI criteria. Appeal requests can be submitted by email to with “West Springfield Project” in the subject line, or by mail addressed to the Low Impact Hydropower Institute, 1167 Massachusetts Ave, Office 407, Arlington, MA 02476. All requests will be posted to the website. The applicant will have an opportunity to respond and any response will also be posted. Requests must be received by 5 pm Eastern time on October 17, 2021. The full application and reviewer’s report are available below. If no appeal requests are received and the decision becomes final, the Certification term for the Project will be August 29, 2020 through August 28, 2025.
June 21, 2021: The Low Impact Hydropower Institute (LIHI) has received a complete recertification application from A & D Hydro, Inc. for the West Springfield Project located on the Westfield River in Massachusetts. LIHI is seeking comment on this application. Comments that are directly tied to specific LIHI criteria (flows, water quality, fish passage, etc.) will be most helpful, but all comments will be considered. Comments may be submitted to LIHI by e-mail at 評論 with “West Springfield Project Comments” in the subject line, or by mail addressed to the Low Impact Hydropower Institute, 1167 Massachusetts Avenue, Office 407, Arlington, MA 02476. Comments must be received at the Institute on or before 5 pm Eastern time on August 20, 2021 to be considered. All comments will be posted to the web site and the applicant will have an opportunity to respond. Any response will also be posted. The complete application can be found below.
March 4, 2016: LIHI Executive Director Michael J. Sale, using authority delegated from the LIHI Governing Board, has issued a Preliminary Certification Decision that the West Springfield Hydroelectric Project (FERC No. P-2608) satisfies the LIHI Certification Criteria. This Preliminary Certification Decision includes one facility-specific condition, as follows:
- 條件一: During downstream fish passage periods, the fish exclusion racks/screens shall be maintained at the head of the power canal to the satisfaction of the Massachusetts Division of Fish and Wildlife (MA DF&W) and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The Owner shall continue to coordinate with MA DF&W regarding the installation, removal and maintenance of these exclusion racks/screens. In its Annual Compliance Statement to LIHI, the Owner shall include a statement confirming that such agency coordination has been successfully completed. If any formal, written concerns about fish passage operations are received by the Owner from either agency, the Owner shall notify LIHI within 30 days. In such an event, LIHI may request a report from the Owner identifying the planned corrective actions and implementation schedule to remedy the reported problem.
As provided for in Section 2.14 of the LIHI Handbook, the Preliminary Certification Decision to certify, along with the Application Reviewer’s report and (if prepared) report of the Executive Director, will be posted on the Institute’s Web page for 30 days. Notice of the posting will be provided to all individuals or organizations that commented on the initial Application Package. Any Commenter may submit a letter to the Executive Director requesting an appeal within the 30-day period. The appeal request must state specific reasons why the hydropower facility should have failed one or more criteria. If an individual or organization did not comment on the initial Application Package, they may not file an appeal. Further information about the LIHI appeal process is available in the LIHI Handbook, available at If no appeal is requested within the 30-day period, the Executive Director will issue LIHI Certification for the facility and post a notification of certification on the Institute’s website. Once final, the effective certification date for the West Springfield Project is August 29, 2015 for a five (5) year term, which will expire on August 29, 2020.
October 21, 2015: The Low Impact Hydropower Institute received a complete application for a new term of Low Impact Certification for the West Springfield Hydroelectric project on October 21, 2015. The application materials can be found in the Files section below. The public comment period for this application closed on December 21, 2015.
December 28, 2012: The West Springfield Project has been certified for a second five year term after it was determined that the project continues to meet the Low Impact Hydropower certification criteria. The effective date of certification is August 29, 2010 and it expires on August 29, 2015.
2010 年 11 月 29 日: A&D Hydro, Inc. has submitted an application for recertification of the West Springfield Hydroelectric Project. In filing for recertification, the applicant states that there has been no change in conditions relevant to the certification.
December 8, 2005: The West Springfield Project has been certified as low impact for a five year term, effective August 29, 2005 and expiring August 29, 2010.
August 29, 2005: A&D Hydro, Inc. has submitted an application for certification of the West Springfield Project, located on the Westfield River.
2021 Recertification
- West Springfield Recertification Review Report
- West Springfield Recertification Application 2021
- Connecticut River Conservancy Comment Letter – 2021 Recertification
2015 年重新認證
2010 Recertification
- West Springfield Review Recommendation Memo
- West Springfield Certification Questionnaire 2009
- Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife Comment Letter – West Springfield Recertification
2005 Certification
- West Springfield Recertification Review Report
- West Springfield Certification Questionnaire
- Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife Agency Letter
- Massachusetts Natural Heritage
- US Fish and Wildlife Service – Endangered Species Consultation Letter