Hailesboro No. 3, 4, 6 Projects - Complete Application Received

2023 年 5 月 4 日: The Low Impact Hydropower Institute has preliminarily approved Low Impact Certification for the Hailesboro No. 3, No. 4 and No. 6 Hydroelectric Projects. The full application and reviewer's report are available below.
This decision is preliminary pending the 30-day appeal window. Only those who commented on the initial applications during the 60-day comment period are eligible to file an appeal. Such appeal needs to include an explanation as to how the Projects do not meet the LIHI criteria. Appeal requests can be submitted by email to 評論@lowimpactHydro.org with "Hailesboro Projects” in the subject line, or by mail addressed to the Low Impact Hydropower Institute, 1167 Massachusetts Ave, Arlington, MA 02476. All requests will be posted to the website. The applicant will have an opportunity to respond and any response will also be posted. 請求必須在東部時間 2023 年 6 月 3 日下午 5 點前收到。
如果未收到上訴請求,認證期限將為 2023 年 2 月 3 日至 2033 年 2 月 2 日。
2023 年 2 月 7 日: 低影響水力發電研究所已收到海爾斯伯勒 3、4 和 6 號水力發電計畫低影響認證的完整申請。 LIHI 正在就此申請徵求公眾意見。具體來說,我們想知道您是否認為該項目符合第二版手冊中修訂的 LIHI 低影響認證標準。請查看 LIHI 修訂版中的計劃和標準 手冊 然後查看下面該項目的申請資料。
與特定 LIHI 標準(流量、水質、魚類通道等)直接相關的評論將最有幫助,但所有評論都會被考慮。意見可以透過電子郵件提交給研究所 評論@lowimpactHydro.org 主題行為“海爾斯伯勒 3、4 和 6 項目評論”,或郵寄至低影響水電研究所,地址為馬薩諸塞州阿靈頓市馬薩諸塞大道 1167 號,郵編 02476。 評論必須在 2023 年 4 月 8 日東部時間下午 5 點或之前收到 予以考慮。所有評論都將發佈到網站上,申請人將有機會回應。任何回應也將被發布。
項目名稱 | Hailesboro No. 3, 4, & 6 |
理海證書編號 |
Pending # 197, 198, 199 |
LIHI 證書期限 |
2023 年 2 月 3 日 – 2033 年 2 月 2 日 |
擁有者 | Hydro Development Group Acquisition, LLC
a subsidiary of Patriot Hydro. LLC |
狀態 | 紐約 |
地點 | No. 3 – River mile 67.5, No. 4 – River mile 67.7, No. 6 – River Mile 68 on the Oswegatchie River, St. Lawrence County, New York |
裝置容量 | No. 3: 1 MW
No. 4: 1.9 MW No. 6: 0.9 MW |
平均年發電量 | No. 3: 3,993 MWh
No. 4: 10,647 MWh No. 6: 4,728 MWh |
設施類型 | 河流的奔流 |
聯邦能源監管委員會 不。 | No. 3: P-5633. 豁免 issued July 14, 1982, amended June 11, 1998.
No. 4: P-6058. Issued October 30, 2002, expiring December 31, 2032. No. 6: P-3181. Exemption issued September 17, 1981. |
The Hailesboro No. 6 Hydroelectric Project (FERC No. 3181), Hailesboro No. 4 Hydroelectric Project (FERC No. 6058), and Hailesboro No. 3 Hydroelectric Project (FERC No. 5633), collectively referred to as the Hailesboro Projects, are located on the Oswegatchie River in St. Lawrence County, New York. The Projects are owned and operated by Hydro Development Group Acquisition, LLC (HDGA). The 132-mile long Oswegatchie River is located in the St. Lawrence River Watershed.
The Hailesboro No. 6 Project is the most upstream of the three Projects and is located at river mile (RM) 68.2. The Project operates under an 豁免 由聯邦能源管理委員會於1981年9月17日發布。
The Project consists of (1) a 10-foot-high and 150-foot-long reinforced concrete gravity overflow-type 壩 with a crest elevation of 487 ft 國家大地垂直基準 (胃腸疾病); (2) a reservoir with a surface area of 4 acres and negligible storage capacity at normal surface elevation of 487 feet NGVD; (3) a 40-foot-wide and 70-foot-long intake structure with 蓋茲 and trashracks along the south (left) bank; (4) a 發電站 containing two turbines rated at 800 horsepower and 500 horsepower, connected to two generators rated at 550 kilowatts (kW) and 350 kW, respectively, at a 頭 of 19 feet and at a flow of 700 cubic feet per second (cfs); (5) a short tailrace; (6) electrical switchgear; (7) a 75-foot-long 2.3-kilovolt (kV) transmission line; and (8) appurtenant facilities. Hailesboro No. 6 has an installed capacity of 900 kW and operates in a 徑流 (ROR) mode. The dam creates a short bypassed reach, approximately 350 feet long.
The Hailesboro No. 4 Project is located at RM 67.7, approximately 0.5 miles downstream from Hailesboro No. 6. The Project operates under a license issued by FERC on October 30, 2002, which was amended on September 19, 2012. The Project consists of (1) a concrete gravity-type dam comprised of: (i) the 105-foot-long, 14-foot-high dam #1 surmounted by a 2-foot-high pneumatic 山頂門; and (ii) the 58-foot-long, 5-foot-high dam #2 surmounted by 2-foot-high wooden 閃光板; (2) a reservoir with a surface area of 2 acres and a gross storage volume of 20 acre-feet at normal water surface elevation 461 ft NGVD; (3) a gated intake structure with steel trashracks which have 1.75-inch clear spacing; (4) a 170-foot-long concrete-lined forebay 運河 with a sluice gate; (5) a reinforced concrete and concrete masonry powerhouse containing two horizontally mounted, double runner, Francis-type turbine units; one 900-kW generating unit and one 1,000-kW generating unit for a total installed capacity of 1,900 kW; (6) a 2.4/23-kV 變電站, and a 50-foot-long, 23-kV transmission line; (7) appurtenant facilities; and (8) a 73-foot-long by 3-foot-high concrete gravity 導流 dam (Island Branch Weir), topped with 1-foot-high wooden flashboards, located at the entrance of the Island Branch of the Oswegatchie River, notched to provide a 30-cfs minimum flow into the 0.4-mile-long bypassed reach. The Project operates in an automatic ROR mode using pond level control. A minimum flow of 30 cfs is provided by a notch in the Island Branch Weir into Island Branch. Minimum flows below 壩 #1 and Dam #2 are 20 cfs and 8 cfs, respectively, with seasonal adjustments per the project’s Water Quality Certificate (WQC). The tailrace discharges directly into the headpond of the Hailesboro No. 3 Project.
The Hailesboro No. 3 Project is located at RM 67.5, approximately 0.25 miles downstream from Hailesboro No. 4. The Project operates under an exemption issued by FERC on July 14, 1982, as amended by FERC Order issued June 11, 1998.
The Project consists of (1) a 16-foot-high, 68-foot-long reinforced concrete dam having a 24-foot-long 溢洪道 section with crest elevation 427.2 feet NGVD and having an intake section at the left (south) 鄰接 and a gated sluiceway section at the right abutment; (2) a reservoir with a surface area of 6.5 acres and negligible storage capacity at normal surface elevation of 427.2 feet NGVD; (3) a timber gate intake structure, a 90-foot-long, 9-foot-diameter 壓力水管, a 95-foot-long, 8.5-foot-diameter penstock, and a concrete intake box containing two turbine units; (4) a powerhouse containing two 500 kW generating units; (5) a tailrace; (5) a substation; (6) appurtenant facilities; and (7) a 0.25-mile long 2.3-kV transmission line. The Project has an installed capacity of 1,000 kW and operates in a ROR mode while providing a minimum flow of 3 cfs into the approximately 200-foot-long bypassed reach.