十五哩瀑布項目,LIHI #39 – 已收到完整申請
Holtwood 項目,LIHI #116 – 已收到完整申請
2022年2月3日January 25, 2022: The Low Impact Hydropower Institute has issued a final decision on the recertification of the North Gorham Project located on the Presumpscot River in Maine. The 30-day appeal window closed on January 20, 2022 and no appeals were filed. Therefore, the decision to recertify the project is now final. The new term is April 27, 2021 through April 26, 2031, in accordance with the term extension that became effective January 1, 2022 in Revision 2.05 of the LIHI 2nd 版本認證手冊。
北安普誇項目,LIHI #69 OR – 已收到完整的重新認證申請